将整个ASCII文件读入C ++ std :: string [重复]
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I need to read a whole file into memory and place it in a C++ std::string . 我需要将整个文件读入内存并将其放在C ++ std::string

If I were to read it into a char[] , the answer would be very simple: 如果我将其读入char[] ,答案将非常简单:

std::ifstream t;int length;t.open("file.txt");      // open input filet.seekg(0, std::ios::end);    // go to the endlength = t.tellg();           // report location (this is the length)t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);    // go back to the beginningbuffer = new char[length];    // allocate memory for a buffer of appropriate dimensiont.read(buffer, length);       // read the whole file into the buffert.close();                    // close file handle// ... Do stuff with buffer here ...

Now, I want to do the exact same thing, but using a std::string instead of a char[] . 现在,我想做完全相同的事情,但是使用std::string而不是char[] I want to avoid loops, ie I don't want to: 我想避免环路,即我不想

std::ifstream t;t.open("file.txt");std::string buffer;std::string line;while(t){std::getline(t, line);// ... Append line to buffer and go on}t.close()

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?




I could do it like this: 我可以这样做:

void readfile(const std::string &filepath,std::string &buffer){    std::ifstream fin(filepath.c_str());    getline(fin, buffer, char(-1));    fin.close();}

If this is something to be frowned upon, please let me know why 如果您对此不满意,请告诉我为什么


I think best way is to use string stream. 我认为最好的方法是使用字符串流。 simple and quick !!! 简单快捷!

//std::stringstreamint main() { std::ifstream inFile; inFile.open("inFileName"); //open the input file std::stringstream strStream; strStream << inFile.rdbuf(); //read the file std::string str = strStream.str(); //str holds the content of the file std::cout << str << "\n"; //you can do anything with the string!!!}


I figured out another way that works with most istreams, including std::cin! 我想出了适用于大多数istream的另一种方法,包括std :: cin!

std::string readFile(){    stringstream str;    ifstream stream("Hello_World.txt");    if(stream.is_open())    {        while(stream.peek() != EOF)        {            str << (char) stream.get();        }        stream.close();        return str.str();    }}


Update: Turns out that this method, while following STL idioms well, is actually surprisingly inefficient! 更新:事实证明,这种方法虽然很好地遵循了STL习惯用法,但实际上效率低得多! Don't do this with large files. 不要对大文件执行此操作。 (See: ) (请参阅: : )

You can make a streambuf iterator out of the file and initialize the string with it: 您可以从文件中制作一个streambuf迭代器,并使用它初始化字符串:

std::ifstream t("file.txt");std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator
(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator

Not sure where you're getting the t.open("file.txt", "r") syntax from. 不知道从哪里获取t.open("file.txt", "r")语法。 As far as I know that's not a method that std::ifstream has. 据我所知,这不是std::ifstream具有的方法。 It looks like you've confused it with C's fopen . 您似乎已经将其与C的fopen混淆了。

Edit: Also note the extra parentheses around the first argument to the string constructor. 编辑:还请注意字符串构造函数的第一个参数周围的多余括号。 These are essential . 这些是必不可少的 They prevent the problem known as the " ", which in this case won't actually give you a compile error like it usually does, but will give you interesting (read: wrong) results. 它们可以防止称为“ ”的问题,在这种情况下,它实际上不会像通常那样给您带来编译错误,但会给您带来有趣的(错误的)结果。

Following KeithB's point in the comments, here's a way to do it that allocates all the memory up front (rather than relying on the string class's automatic reallocation): 遵循KeithB在评论中的观点,这是一种预先分配所有内存的方法(而不是依赖于字符串类的自动重新分配):

std::ifstream t("file.txt");std::string str;t.seekg(0, std::ios::end); str.reserve(t.tellg());t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);str.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator
(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator


I don't think you can do this without an explicit or implicit loop, without reading into a char array (or some other container) first and ten constructing the string. 我认为如果没有显式或隐式循环,而没有先读入char数组(或其他容器),又没有十个构造字符串的方法,您将无法做到这一点。 If you don't need the other capabilities of a string, it could be done with vector<char> the same way you are currently using a char * . 如果不需要字符串的其他功能,则可以使用vector<char>来完成,就像您当前使用char *

